Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Keeping that nasty ego under control

Oh, those overpowering delusions of adequacy! Oh that fleeting illusion of competence.

This past weekend Jon and I attended the 1st annual Buckey Battles Independant GT, and I got my butt kicked, but good. I was in dead last until the last game, which I managed then to massacre my opponent (due to some very unlucky die rolls for him), which kept me from being in dead last.

I tied for third for the painting / appearance, which is cool, though I have a hard time believeing I deserve that high of a ranking.

It is amazing how many people still remember my goblin army after it being in mothballs for over two years - I guess I do need to bring it back out - maybe by GenCon when I have a bit more time to rebase it and add a few new units (yes, maybe even Orcs as UPS Boyz), spider riders as web mail, and at least squig hoppers if not a squig herd as well. I just don't know what would make a good list, as so many things I used before are now gone. Probably even have to make a Orc Postmastr Genr'l just for the leadership.

So the UGPS may become the OGPS Orc & Gobbo Postal Service.


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