Monday, January 28, 2008

Very politically incorrect

Karma as the short bus. I love it! (check the comments on the last post).

This just made me need to share something, that is so far past being politically incorrect, even I was close to being offended, when I quit laughing. The worst part, of course, is it is my own child who has such a warped sense of humor to come up with this.

One day at dinner we were talking about something, and the subject of the handicapped came up. And my son, a chip off the old block, suddenly refers to them as "fireshields". Of course we all turn to him for an explanation.

He says, in his 15 year old innocent way, that he figures they must be fireproof, and his reasoning is that the day before there was a fire drill at school. Everyone of course had to evacuate, and all stand so far away. Then here come the classroom aids with all the handicapped students, whom they all lined up in front of all the other students. Between them and, had it been real instead of a drill, the fire!. So of course, he reasons, since they are the least capable of getting out of the way, why they must be especially resistant compared to the other students, and thus the name of fireshields.

I really tried not to laugh. It was just so wrong, yet so well illustrated a very valid point better than any other explanation ever could. For the convience of everyone else, put the people least able to get out of the way in the most convienient spot - which just happens to be right in the way and nearly the worst possible spot they could be in. Shouldn't these people be as far away as possible, even it if is a little inconvienient? I can just imagine a second fire truck trying to get through, and a whole line of wheelchairs being there because it was easier.

It was so wrong on so many levels. And so of course, like his father, my son had to make a joke of it. I'm both proud and ashamed.

1 comment:

Beanie said...

I just snorted.